FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (AUGUST 7, 2024) – Minister of Works and Family Island Affairs, the Honourable Clay Sweeting will be the keynote speaker at the 20th Abaco Business Outlook (ABO), slated for September 19 at the Great Abaco Beach Resort. This year’s event, held under the theme “Future Abaco: Branding the National Identity, Planning for Success,” is expected to be an insightful gathering for persons who reside in or have a vested interest in Abaco and surrounding cays.

Joan Albury, president of TCL Group, whose brainchild is the Bahamas Business Outlook eight-island conference series, spoke to the organization and the significance of this year’s ABO.

Albury noted: “First, let me say how grateful we are for the participation of the Minister of Works and Family Island affairs. Minister Sweeting has much to offer as he is charged with initiating policies to shape a resilient and prosperous future for islands like Abaco. We are especially grateful for the continued support of Aliv Business and our active partnership with the Abaco Chamber of Commerce. Chamber President Daphne Degregory-Miaoulis has been instrumental in helping us to comprise a speaker slate of heavy-hitting changemakers. We are excited to present our full speaker slate in the coming days.

“The reasons for the development of the Bahamas Business Outlook conference series are simple but profound. Our forums are intended to recognize all island communities as ‘one Bahamas’ entitled to be kept abreast of all things that impact national development, communicate their needs and aspirations and participate as equal partners in development. We are also dedicated to showing how investors of goodwill, both local and foreign, are essential to our country’s quality advancement. These ideals and necessities are reflected in our selection of topics and key persons to discuss them authoritatively with focus on economic growth, diversification, sustainability and, most important, stakeholder engagement.

“Our 2024 ABO topics reflect this intent: infrastructure development; revitalization and housing solutions; boating industry growth and opportunities; the future of banking; climate and natural disaster resilience; reliability of communications and technology; attracting sound foreign investment; real estate innovations and challenges; opportunities and challenges facing the hospitality sector; innovations in healthcare and the expansion of healthcare infrastructure; utilities management and more.”

To register for the 20th Abaco Business Outlook, visit, call TCL Group at 322-1000 or email Margaret Albury at